#CreativeKids30 | My Journey with CreativeKids – Minnie Kwong

To celebrate CreativeKids’ 30th anniversary, members of our team are sharing their personal and work stories with the Creative Community – to tell you why we love what we do!

Minnie Kwong is on the customer service team of the CreativeKids Taikoo Shing Studio.

Minnie and her daughter, Jamie.

About me & How I entered the art education field

It was actually my daughter, Jamie, who led me here!

I joined CreativeKids when Jamie was just one-and-a-half. I heard that children learn better the younger they start. That was surely the case for Jamie.

The past years of weekly lessons at the Studio has really “opened up her senses”. Now at the age of 7.5, she can easily come up with and express concrete ideas of her own, and defend them against what the instructor might say, instead of passively doing what she is told.

For that, I am truly delighted and grateful!

Jamie at a CreativeWawa class.

Working at CreativeKids is different because…

I once worked in trading. The work nature was very rigid. All you could hear in the office was the clacking of the keyboard.

Here, in the Studio, there is always laughter. We work hard and play hard. Even at the busiest times at the front desk, I find the motivation to keep moving forward with positivity.

My growth at CreativeKids

Jamie started learning at CreativeKids at age 1.5 in the CreativeWawa Program. And my growth at the Studio began at the same time.

Coming from a non-artistic background, it was not easy for me to introduce CreativeKids’ programs to parents at first. As a layman, I once felt like a “blank page” in the world of art, trying hard to grasp the abstract concepts of creativity and visual arts.

Gradually, I gained more knowledge in art and more confidence in doing my job. It feels amazing to be able to clearly convey ideas to the customers. On top of that, I keep growing as a mom in a creative community together with my daughter, always learning and understanding more about her.

My favorite memory at CreativeKids

It is the summer program in 2016, themed “ArtMasters”, inspired by the work of a range of visual arts and design masters across history and cultures.

I remember learning a lot about world-famous artists and their work. I was empowered through briefing sessions with our curriculum team, and then I passed on the information to parents, with my own interpretation and my knowledge of their needs and concerns. Within 1 to 2 months, I felt that I have “leveled up” – from a beginner level, to being able to talk about the Palace Museum and Chinese artist, Qi Baishi.

That summer, the staff, parents, and students all soaked up the knowledge and appreciation for classic and modern art. That was a happy time!

On CreativeKids’ 30th Birthday

I wish that we can reach children and families outside of Hong Kong through our Online LiveART program!

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