About Us
About CreativeKids
Since 1991, CreativeKids has committed to advance creative development in children and teenagers, bond families and mobilize communities with art, design and architecture programs. Our comprehensive and age-appropriate and award-winning after school art and design programs for youngsters aged 1.5 to 18 are designed to foster flexibility and adaptability to thrive in the ever-changing world of the 21st century.
With an expanding student and alumni body, professional team and scope of services, CreativeKids has ignited a creative spirit in the community, collaborated with schools, organizations and corporations, and reached out to families from diverse backgrounds. We have been affirmed as being at the forefront of creative art and design education, engaging ourselves in continual research and development of effective teaching and learning approaches.
From a Picture to a Future
In the visual language of art, design and architecture, youngsters are engaged to explore imaginative possibilities and creative solutions to meet personal and collective challenges.
Our research and development team devotes on-going efforts to refine an evolving and ‘living’ curriculum that build positive mindset and practical skillset that are applicable to real life needs. We inspire dreamers to be disciplined doers and problem-solvers, turning each picture towards a future.
Our Beliefs
We believe that children are inherently curious, creative and capable of construction their own understanding of the world through imaginative experiences and expressions in visual, verbal, written and varied forms.
We believe that opportunities for creative development through art and design education should be made available to all children, irrespective of their capabilities and socio-economic backgrounds.
We believe that children are meaning- and symbol-makers in art. Children's art is their visual growth record in which their autonomy, individuality and originality are to be respected. Children's visual literacy is the best developed when creative mindset is supported by foundation skills.
Our Vision
To empower children with creative competence and character to become catalyst for a better world.
To help children to think and create with the sensitivity of an artist and sensibility of a designer.
Our Mission
To make quality art and design education a part of every child.
Our ArtproachTM
To inspire the mind (HEAD)
instill passion (HEART)
develop dexterity (HANDS)
in an individual (PERSON)
through exploratory art experiences (PROCESS)
in an imaginative environment resulting in genuine and original artwork (PRODUCT)
in pursuit of success and significance (PURPOSE)
Our Scope
- ● Creative Thinking
- ● Visual Literacy
- ● Cultural awareness
- ● Design thinking
- ● Skills mastery
- ● Media exploration
- ● Art making
- ● Art appreciation
- ● Designing
- ● Aesthetic judgment
- ● Creative Thinking
- ● Art making
- ● Visual Literacy
- ● Art appreciation
- ● Cultural awareness
- ● Design Thinking
- ● Designing
- ● Skills mastery
- ● Aesthetic judgment
- ● Media exploration
Our Scale
With our Headquarters in Sai Ying Pun, a museum studio in Taikoo Shing, a Portfolio-building Studio in Central, an Art & Design Research Studio together with a social-entreprise IM Creative in Kowloon City , our studio space covers almost 8,000 sq. ft. Our professional team in visual art has grown to over 60 employees, committed to high quality teaching, outreach, management and consulting service.
Our Environment
The purpose-built studios offer an immersive and multi-sensory space in which children experience art individually and collaboratively. Children sometimes become part of the creative art work and process.

About Our Founder
Dr. Angelina LO Kwok Yin
- ● Founder Director of CreativKids and IM Creative, Hong Kong
- ● Speaker, writer, trainer and consultant in art and design education
- ● Founding Member of Ednovators
- ● Doctor of Philosophy from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University School of Design; Master of Religious Education from Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary, CA, USA; Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree from University of Hawaii
● Research focus on children's concept of design and their design processes; experiences and environments conducive to children's creativity including inquisitive exploration, ideation and problem-solving, improvisational tinkering and making
Angelina founded CreativeKids in 1991 and IM Creative, a social enterprise in 2014, with a vision of cultivating creativity among youngsters, bonding families and mobilizing communities with art and design education. She developed the CreativeKids ARTproachTM that empowers children and teenagers with creative competence and character by learning to ask like an artist, answer like a designer and build like an architect. She has received numerous advertising and graphic design awards locally and internationally.
She received her Bachelor of Fine Arts degree from University of Hawaii, Manoa and Master of Religious Education, Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary. In 2020, she completed her PhD in The Hong Kong Polytechnic University School of Design and her thesis is a study of observational study of children’s concept of design and their design processes. Influenced by constructivism and constructionism, her research focus is on understanding experiences and environments conducive to children’s creativity including inquisitive exploration, ideation and problem-solving, improvisational tinkering and making.
Key publications:
Lo, A. K. Y. (2019). Play Safe: Co-Designing Play Space for, with, and by Children. In K. W. M. Siu & Y. L. Wong (Eds.), Practice and Progress in Social Design and Sustainability (pp. 118-149): IGI Global.
Lo, A. K. Y., & Siu, K. W. M. (2019). Happy mistakes: Art-based learning through failing. Impact: Journal of Chartered College of Teaching, 6. Retrieved from https://impact.chartered.college/article/happy-mistakes-art-based-learning-through-failing/
Siu, K., Lo, K., Wong, Y., Lo, C. (2022). Playful Public Design by Children. In: Amic G. Ho (eds) Human Factors in Communication of Design. AHFE (2022) International Conference. AHFE Open Access, vol 49. AHFE International, USA.
Siu, K. W. M., Lo, A. K. Y., & Wong, Y. L. (2021). Playful public design by children = 玩樂公共設計 (K. W. M. Siu, A. K. Y. Lo, & Y. L. Wong, Eds.). Hong Kong: School of Design, the Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
Siu, K. W. M., Lo, K. Y. A., & Wong, Y. L. (Eds.) (2021). Playful public design by children. The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong.
Creative Parenting YouTube Live Sessions:
Creative Parenting 1: Cultivating Creativity | Presenter: Stephen Chow, Architect – YouTube
Creative Parenting 2: Cultivating Creativity | Presenter: Mrs. Gloria Chan – YouTube
Creative Parenting 3: Cultivating Creativity | Presenter: Ms. Tammy Poon – YouTube
Creative Parenting 4: Cultivating Creativity | Presenter: Kwok’s Family – YouTube

Mrs Gloria Chan
Former Principal of Kau Yan School, Education Consultant
In the wink of an eye, it has been 30 years. I am grateful for the opportunity to write a few words to express my gratitude for CreativeKids.
Since a very young age, my two daughters had happily immersed themselves in creating artworks at CreativeKids. Now well into their adulthood, they engage in art through making artworks, visiting galleries and museums, and seizing any opportunities to learn more about it. I am certain that CreativeKids has sown the seeds of art in their hearts. Interestingly, I also took some adult classes at CreativeKids. I now regularly paint and make collages, and find much pleasure in discussing my work with my daughters.
My former school students have greatly benefited from the quality outreach art programme that CreativeKids offers. They engage positively at each class, taught by the dedicated and passionate teachers who help to bring out the student’s creativity and improve their well-being. I am particularly pleased to follow CreativeKids’ work with underprivileged children over the years. It shows the importance of art, equality and love in today’s increasingly commercial and competitive society.
Witnessing thousands of children finding free expression with CreativeKids and growing from strength to strength, I salute to CreativeKids for its beautiful work. I wish the team at CreativeKids to continue embracing their vision and carrying out the meaningful work that they do in the many years to come.

Mrs Gloria Chan
Former Principal of Kau Yan School, Education Consultant

In the wink of an eye, it has been 30 years. I am grateful for the opportunity to write a few words to express my gratitude for CreativeKids.
Since a very young age, my two daughters had happily immersed themselves in creating artworks at CreativeKids. Now well into their adulthood, they engage in art through making artworks, visiting galleries and museums, and seizing any opportunities to learn more about it. I am certain that CreativeKids has sown the seeds of art in their hearts. Interestingly, I also took some adult classes at CreativeKids. I now regularly paint and make collages, and find much pleasure in discussing my work with my daughters.
My former school students have greatly benefited from the quality outreach art programme that CreativeKids offers. They engage positively at each class, taught by the dedicated and passionate teachers who help to bring out the student’s creativity and improve their well-being. I am particularly pleased to follow CreativeKids’ work with underprivileged children over the years. It shows the importance of art, equality and love in today’s increasingly commercial and competitive society.
Witnessing thousands of children finding free expression with CreativeKids and growing from strength to strength, I salute to CreativeKids for its beautiful work. I wish the team at CreativeKids to continue embracing their vision and carrying out the meaningful work that they do in the many years to come.

Kathy Wong
Executive Director Playright Children's Play Association
My heartfelt congratulations on the 30th anniversary of CreativeKids, with whom we have been partnering joyfully as playable space change-maker since 2012. Our partnership journey started from the children’s hospital project and deepened as CreativeKids being Playright’s exhibition & design consultant for UNICEF Inclusive Play Space Design Ideas Competition. CreativeKids then became our professional partner for the Junior Playground Commissioner Incubation Programme to empower children’s visual voices expression, which was an essential part of bringing awareness of child perspective. We are glad to witness that children’s ideas were meaningfully actualized in innovative design finally at Tuen Mun Park Inclusive Playground with concerted efforts of many.
We are always touched by the passionate team, led by Angelina, in advocating creative development in children and are impressed by their professionalism in art and design education, with grounded theoretical and philosophical methodology. CreativeKids was our professional partner again for the Junior Playground Planner programme, our persistent efforts for playable space advocacy.
You have empowered many children with creative competence and character. We look forward to our continued partnership in igniting a creative and playful spirit in the community, nurturing a better world for children to grow.

Kathy Wong
Executive Director Playright Children's Play Association

My heartfelt congratulations on the 30th anniversary of Creativekids, with whom we have been partnering joyfully as playable space change-maker since 2012. Our partnership journey started from the children’s hospital project and deepened as Creativekids being Playright’s exhibition & design consultant for UNICEF Inclusive Play Space Design Ideas Competition. Creativekids then became our professional partner for the Junior Playground Commissioner Incubation Programme to empower children’s visual voices expression, which was an essential part of bringing awareness of child perspective. We are glad to witness that children’s ideas were meaningfully actualized in innovative design finally at Tuen Mun Park Inclusive Playground with concerted efforts of many.
We are always touched by the passionate team, led by Angelina, in advocating creative development in children and are impressed by their professionalism in art and design education, with grounded theoretical and philosophical methodology. Creativekids was our professional partner again for the Junior Playground Planner programme, our persistent efforts for playable space advocacy.
You have empowered many children with creative competence and character. We look forward to our continued partnership in igniting a creative and playful spirit in the community, nurturing a better world for children to grow.

Billy Potts
Product designer and brand strategist. Founder of Handsome Co. and Watt studio.
I first came to CreativeKids when I was 5 years old. I was already very keen on art but at that point, I had been taught to draw 'correctly' and to produce the same standard thing as everyone else in my kindergarten class. CreativeKids was different and encouraged me to interpret themes and projects for myself. It was the first place where I was ever invited to consider topics like the environment, art movements, history, and other cultures. It was also the first place where it was ok if I didn't produce the 'perfect' picture because the physical object that came as a result of the process was beside the point. I was being encouraged to focus on the thought process and on approaching challenges with creativity. Looking back I realize it was the process that was so valuable and enjoyable. By the time I left CreativeKids I was 17 and was fortunate enough to have been personally taught by Auntie Angie, who was always very candid and open with me. Though kind she never sugar-coated anything and challenged me to improve and broaden my horizons. She encouraged me to make mistakes and sometimes teased me for being so 'meticulous'. She gently challenged me when I was complacent. She often laughed that I was one of her most frustrating students as I would hold her to her pledge never to touch any student's work. Though I walked out of CreativeKids' doors for the last time a long time ago, I still look to Auntie Angie and her team for advice and inspiration. I would wager that a good number of Hong Kong's creative professionals have passed through CreativeKids at one point or another. Those that chose careers outsides 'creative' fields have no doubt benefited from the attitudes and ways of thinking that CreativeKids encourage. I never did get the opportunity to pursue formal education in the arts and yet I have wound up in a creative field - what I learned at CreativeKids has been invaluable to me. Never underestimate this cheerful, brightly colored, and unexpected place. What you see may be happy children, working diligently and exploring their own worlds but what they discover there will serve them for a lifetime.

Billy Potts
Product designer and brand strategies. Founder of Handsome Co. and Watt Studio

I first came to CreativeKids when I was 5 years old. I was already very keen on art but at that point, I had been taught to draw 'correctly' and to produce the same standard thing as everyone else in my kindergarten class. Creative Kids was different and encouraged me to interpret themes and projects for myself. It was the first place where I was ever invited to consider topics like the environment, art movements, history, and other cultures. It was also the first place where it was ok if I didn't produce the 'perfect' picture because the physical object that came as a result of the process was beside the point. I was being encouraged to focus on the thought process and on approaching challenges with creativity. Looking back I realize it was the process that was so valuable and enjoyable. By the time I left CreativeKids I was 17 and was fortunate enough to have been personally taught by Auntie Angie, who was always very candid and open with me. Though kind she never sugar-coated anything and challenged me to improve and broaden my horizons. She encouraged me to make mistakes and sometimes teased me for being so 'meticulous'. She gently challenged me when I was complacent. She often laughed that I was one of her most frustrating students as I would hold her to her pledge never to touch any student's work. Though I walked out of CreativeKids' doors for the last time a long time ago, I still look to Auntie Angie and her team for advice and inspiration. I would wager that a good number of Hong Kong's creative professionals have passed through CreativeKids at one point or another. Those that chose careers outsides 'creative' fields have no doubt benefited from the attitudes and ways of thinking that CreativeKids encourage. I never did get the opportunity to pursue formal education in the arts and yet I have wound up in a creative field - what I learned at CreativeKids has been invaluable to me. Never underestimate this cheerful, brightly colored, and unexpected place. What you see may be happy children, working diligently and exploring their own worlds but what they discover there will serve them for a lifetime.

Winnie Ho
“Paint the sky with blue, right?”
“This blue? Or whiter?”
“Hair, paint in black, yes?”
“The tree, brown with green leaves?”
There is a type of child who has a great memory, focus, and attention to detail. When they are young, they tend to excel under the normal education system, performing very well in giving standard answers in Chinese, English, and Mathematics classes …… My child was one of them. Yet, in my heart, I knew that there are no model answers in the real world. We all need to create good questions and find good answers for ourselves – This is closer to the reality of life.
To enrich their childhood, and better prepare them for the future, I started looking for appropriate children's art classes. One day, I happened to see a group of children leaving their art class at a building. The young children, around four to five years old, were each holding their colorful artwork, looking very happy and confident. The art pieces were obviously based on the same theme, but the content seems completely different. Even lovelier – the figures in the paintings all consist of the children’s own features and characteristics. At that moment, I knew that this was a remarkable children's art school, as youngsters were able to find their own “answers” under the guidance of the instructors – no “good” or “bad”, no comparison, just focusing on enjoying the process. No wonder children were all satisfied and proud of their masterpieces.
My elder son started attending CreativeKids lessons from around age 5, and my younger son even sooner – since age 2, and continued until high school. Their childhood artwork filled our home with a great sense of warmth. It has been over a decade, but the vibrant joy of art never faded.
Today, while neither of my sons decides to choose art as their future career, I firmly believe that the “no answer” thinking method – design thinking – that CreativeKids has taught them, will be a lifelong asset.

Winnie Ho

“Paint the sky with blue, right?”
“This blue? Or whiter?”
“Hair, paint in black, yes?”
“The tree, brown with green leaves?”
There is a type of child who has a great memory, focus, and attention to detail. When they are young, they tend to excel under the normal education system, performing very well in giving standard answers in Chinese, English, and Mathematics classes …… My child was one of them. Yet, in my heart, I knew that there are no model answers in the real world. We all need to create good questions and find good answers for ourselves – This is closer to the reality of life.
To enrich their childhood, and better prepare them for the future, I started looking for appropriate children's art classes. One day, I happened to see a group of children leaving their art class at a building. The young children, around four to five years old, were each holding their colorful artwork, looking very happy and confident. The art pieces were obviously based on the same theme, but the content seems completely different. Even lovelier – the figures in the paintings all consist of the children’s own features and characteristics. At that moment, I knew that this was a remarkable children's art school, as youngsters were able to find their own “answers” under the guidance of the instructors – no “good” or “bad”, no comparison, just focusing on enjoying the process. No wonder children were all satisfied and proud of their masterpieces.
My elder son started attending CreativeKids lessons from around age 5, and my younger son even sooner – since age 2, and continued until high school. Their childhood artwork filled our home with a great sense of warmth. It has been over a decade, but the vibrant joy of art never faded.
Today, while neither of my sons decides to choose art as their future career, I firmly believe that the “no answer” thinking method – design thinking – that CreativeKids has taught them, will be a lifelong asset.

May Wong
Industrial Designer
My daughter has been taking CreativeKids from age 3 to now age 17, continuously for 14 years.
It feels like yesterday that she proudly brought home her first art piece. Until today, I still look forward to witnessing her new artwork every time.
About a year ago, she published a children’s picture book, a fruit of what she has learned at CreativeKids and personally worked hard on.
I believe that creativity is innate but requires stimulation; skills are nurtured and require training. Every CreativeKids instructor puts their heart into paving the way for every child, in countless moments and occasions.
Best wishes to CreativeKids on its 30th anniversary – cheers to the journey ahead!

May Wong
Industrial Designer

My daughter has been taking CreativeKids from age 3 to now age 17, continuously for 14 years.
It feels like yesterday that she proudly brought home her first art piece. Until today, I still look forward to witnessing her new artwork every time.
About a year ago, she published a children’s picture book, a fruit of what she has learned at CreativeKids and personally worked hard on.
I believe that creativity is innate but requires stimulation; skills are nurtured and require training. Every CreativeKids instructor puts their heart into paving the way for every child, in countless moments and occasions.
Best wishes to CreativeKids on its 30th anniversary – cheers to the journey ahead!

Andrew Yeung
Senior Manager, Promotions & Marketing, Harbour City
We have a long and continuous fun journey with CreativeKids which began with the kids' Lai See project in the Year of a lovely animal and we always bring pleasant surprises and enjoyments not only to the kids that participated but the audiences around.
2021 was a special year for everyone. Despite the kids mostly stayed at home and many activities even school were suspended, we did not stop stimulating their creativity and kept connected with them with “hcKids Swing Along Design Competition & Exhibition” collaborated with CreativeKids. Kids across the city showcased their incessant and ever-growing creativity by drawing out their unique swing. I was totally amazed by the submitted artworks.
It was the first time that the art gallery of Harbour City held a kids' design exhibition. To uplift the winning works, winners were invited to take on a professional art course at CreativeKids and became the little designers. They were also involved in the display setting, layout, and guided tour, which encouraged young minds to create their own exhibition. I indulged in all the “Swings” and the exhibition fully demonstrated “Kids’ creation has no boundary”.
A token of appreciation to CreativeKids for the support over the years and congratulate on their full of inspirations 30th anniversary!

Andrew Yeung
Senior Manager, Promotions & Marketing, Harbour City

We have a long and continuous fun journey with CreativeKids which began with the kids' Lai See project in the Year of a lovely animal and we always bring pleasant surprises and enjoyments not only to the kids that participated but the audiences around.
2021 was a special year for everyone. Despite the kids mostly stayed at home and many activities even school were suspended, we did not stop stimulating their creativity and kept connected with them with “hcKids Swing Along Design Competition & Exhibition” collaborated with CreativeKids. Kids across the city showcased their incessant and ever-growing creativity by drawing out their unique swing. I was totally amazed by the submitted artworks.
It was the first time that the art gallery of Harbour City held a kids' design exhibition. To uplift the winning works, winners were invited to take on a professional art course at CreativeKids and became the little designers. They were also involved in the display setting, layout, and guided tour, which encouraged young minds to create their own exhibition. I indulged in all the “Swings” and the exhibition fully demonstrated “Kids’ creation has no boundary”.
A token of appreciation to CreativeKids for the support over the years and congratulate on their full of inspirations 30th anniversary!

Mrs Gloria Chan
Former Principal of Kau Yan School, Education Consultant
In the wink of an eye, it has been 30 years. I am grateful for the opportunity to write a few words to express my gratitude for CreativeKids.
Since a very young age, my two daughters had happily immersed themselves in creating artworks at CreativeKids. Now well into their adulthood, they engage in art through making artworks, visiting galleries and museums, and seizing any opportunities to learn more about it. I am certain that CreativeKids has sown the seeds of art in their hearts. Interestingly, I also took some adult classes at CreativeKids. I now regularly paint and make collages, and find much pleasure in discussing my work with my daughters.
My former school students have greatly benefited from the quality outreach art programme that CreativeKids offers. They engage positively at each class, taught by the dedicated and passionate teachers who help to bring out the student’s creativity and improve their well-being. I am particularly pleased to follow CreativeKids’ work with underprivileged children over the years. It shows the importance of art, equality and love in today’s increasingly commercial and competitive society.
Witnessing thousands of children finding free expression with CreativeKids and growing from strength to strength, I salute to CreativeKids for its beautiful work. I wish the team at CreativeKids to continue embracing their vision and carrying out the meaningful work that they do in the many years to come.

Mrs Gloria Chan
Former Principal of Kau Yan School, Education Consultant

In the wink of an eye, it has been 30 years. I am grateful for the opportunity to write a few words to express my gratitude for CreativeKids.
Since a very young age, my two daughters had happily immersed themselves in creating artworks at CreativeKids. Now well into their adulthood, they engage in art through making artworks, visiting galleries and museums, and seizing any opportunities to learn more about it. I am certain that CreativeKids has sown the seeds of art in their hearts. Interestingly, I also took some adult classes at CreativeKids. I now regularly paint and make collages, and find much pleasure in discussing my work with my daughters.
My former school students have greatly benefited from the quality outreach art programme that CreativeKids offers. They engage positively at each class, taught by the dedicated and passionate teachers who help to bring out the student’s creativity and improve their well-being. I am particularly pleased to follow CreativeKids’ work with underprivileged children over the years. It shows the importance of art, equality and love in today’s increasingly commercial and competitive society.
Witnessing thousands of children finding free expression with CreativeKids and growing from strength to strength, I salute to CreativeKids for its beautiful work. I wish the team at CreativeKids to continue embracing their vision and carrying out the meaningful work that they do in the many years to come.

Kathy Wong
Executive Director Playright Children’s Play Association
My heartfelt congratulations on the 30th anniversary of CreativeKids, with whom we have been partnering joyfully as playable space change-maker since 2012. Our partnership journey started from the children’s hospital project and deepened as CreativeKids being Playright’s exhibition & design consultant for UNICEF Inclusive Play Space Design Ideas Competition. CreativeKids then became our professional partner for the Junior Playground Commissioner Incubation Programme to empower children’s visual voices expression, which was an essential part of bringing awareness of child perspective. We are glad to witness that children’s ideas were meaningfully actualized in innovative design finally at Tuen Mun Park Inclusive Playground with concerted efforts of many.
We are always touched by the passionate team, led by Angelina, in advocating creative development in children and are impressed by their professionalism in art and design education, with grounded theoretical and philosophical methodology. CreativeKids was our professional partner again for the Junior Playground Planner programme, our persistent efforts for playable space advocacy.
You have empowered many children with creative competence and character. We look forward to our continued partnership in igniting a creative and playful spirit in the community, nurturing a better world for children to grow.

Kathy Wong
Executive Director Playright Children’s Play Association

My heartfelt congratulations on the 30th anniversary of Creativekids, with whom we have been partnering joyfully as playable space change-maker since 2012. Our partnership journey started from the children’s hospital project and deepened as Creativekids being Playright’s exhibition & design consultant for UNICEF Inclusive Play Space Design Ideas Competition. Creativekids then became our professional partner for the Junior Playground Commissioner Incubation Programme to empower children’s visual voices expression, which was an essential part of bringing awareness of child perspective. We are glad to witness that children’s ideas were meaningfully actualized in innovative design finally at Tuen Mun Park Inclusive Playground with concerted efforts of many.
We are always touched by the passionate team, led by Angelina, in advocating creative development in children and are impressed by their professionalism in art and design education, with grounded theoretical and philosophical methodology. Creativekids was our professional partner again for the Junior Playground Planner programme, our persistent efforts for playable space advocacy.
You have empowered many children with creative competence and character. We look forward to our continued partnership in igniting a creative and playful spirit in the community, nurturing a better world for children to grow.

Billy Potts
Product designer and brand strategist. Founder of Handsome Co. and Watt studio.
I first came to CreativeKids when I was 5 years old. I was already very keen on art but at that point, I had been taught to draw ‘correctly’ and to produce the same standard thing as everyone else in my kindergarten class. CreativeKids was different and encouraged me to interpret themes and projects for myself. It was the first place where I was ever invited to consider topics like the environment, art movements, history, and other cultures. It was also the first place where it was ok if I didn’t produce the ‘perfect’ picture because the physical object that came as a result of the process was beside the point. I was being encouraged to focus on the thought process and on approaching challenges with creativity. Looking back I realize it was the process that was so valuable and enjoyable. By the time I left CreativeKids I was 17 and was fortunate enough to have been personally taught by Auntie Angie, who was always very candid and open with me. Though kind she never sugar-coated anything and challenged me to improve and broaden my horizons. She encouraged me to make mistakes and sometimes teased me for being so ‘meticulous’. She gently challenged me when I was complacent. She often laughed that I was one of her most frustrating students as I would hold her to her pledge never to touch any student’s work. Though I walked out of CreativeKids’ doors for the last time a long time ago, I still look to Auntie Angie and her team for advice and inspiration. I would wager that a good number of Hong Kong’s creative professionals have passed through CreativeKids at one point or another. Those that chose careers outsides ‘creative’ fields have no doubt benefited from the attitudes and ways of thinking that CreativeKids encourage. I never did get the opportunity to pursue formal education in the arts and yet I have wound up in a creative field – what I learned at CreativeKids has been invaluable to me. Never underestimate this cheerful, brightly colored, and unexpected place. What you see may be happy children, working diligently and exploring their own worlds but what they discover there will serve them for a lifetime.

Billy Potts
Product designer and brand strategies. Founder of Handsome Co. and Watt Studio

I first came to CreativeKids when I was 5 years old. I was already very keen on art but at that point, I had been taught to draw ‘correctly’ and to produce the same standard thing as everyone else in my kindergarten class. Creative Kids was different and encouraged me to interpret themes and projects for myself. It was the first place where I was ever invited to consider topics like the environment, art movements, history, and other cultures. It was also the first place where it was ok if I didn’t produce the ‘perfect’ picture because the physical object that came as a result of the process was beside the point. I was being encouraged to focus on the thought process and on approaching challenges with creativity. Looking back I realize it was the process that was so valuable and enjoyable. By the time I left CreativeKids I was 17 and was fortunate enough to have been personally taught by Auntie Angie, who was always very candid and open with me. Though kind she never sugar-coated anything and challenged me to improve and broaden my horizons. She encouraged me to make mistakes and sometimes teased me for being so ‘meticulous’. She gently challenged me when I was complacent. She often laughed that I was one of her most frustrating students as I would hold her to her pledge never to touch any student’s work. Though I walked out of CreativeKids’ doors for the last time a long time ago, I still look to Auntie Angie and her team for advice and inspiration. I would wager that a good number of Hong Kong’s creative professionals have passed through CreativeKids at one point or another. Those that chose careers outsides ‘creative’ fields have no doubt benefited from the attitudes and ways of thinking that CreativeKids encourage. I never did get the opportunity to pursue formal education in the arts and yet I have wound up in a creative field – what I learned at CreativeKids has been invaluable to me. Never underestimate this cheerful, brightly colored, and unexpected place. What you see may be happy children, working diligently and exploring their own worlds but what they discover there will serve them for a lifetime.

Winnie Ho
“Paint the sky with blue, right?”
“This blue? Or whiter?”
“Hair, paint in black, yes?”
“The tree, brown with green leaves?”
There is a type of child who has a great memory, focus, and attention to detail. When they are young, they tend to excel under the normal education system, performing very well in giving standard answers in Chinese, English, and Mathematics classes …… My child was one of them. Yet, in my heart, I knew that there are no model answers in the real world. We all need to create good questions and find good answers for ourselves – This is closer to the reality of life.
To enrich their childhood, and better prepare them for the future, I started looking for appropriate children’s art classes. One day, I happened to see a group of children leaving their art class at a building. The young children, around four to five years old, were each holding their colorful artwork, looking very happy and confident. The art pieces were obviously based on the same theme, but the content seems completely different. Even lovelier – the figures in the paintings all consist of the children’s own features and characteristics. At that moment, I knew that this was a remarkable children’s art school, as youngsters were able to find their own “answers” under the guidance of the instructors – no “good” or “bad”, no comparison, just focusing on enjoying the process. No wonder children were all satisfied and proud of their masterpieces.
My elder son started attending CreativeKids lessons from around age 5, and my younger son even sooner – since age 2, and continued until high school. Their childhood artwork filled our home with a great sense of warmth. It has been over a decade, but the vibrant joy of art never faded.
Today, while neither of my sons decides to choose art as their future career, I firmly believe that the “no answer” thinking method – design thinking – that CreativeKids has taught them, will be a lifelong asset.

Winnie Ho

“Paint the sky with blue, right?”
“This blue? Or whiter?”
“Hair, paint in black, yes?”
“The tree, brown with green leaves?”
There is a type of child who has a great memory, focus, and attention to detail. When they are young, they tend to excel under the normal education system, performing very well in giving standard answers in Chinese, English, and Mathematics classes …… My child was one of them. Yet, in my heart, I knew that there are no model answers in the real world. We all need to create good questions and find good answers for ourselves – This is closer to the reality of life.
To enrich their childhood, and better prepare them for the future, I started looking for appropriate children’s art classes. One day, I happened to see a group of children leaving their art class at a building. The young children, around four to five years old, were each holding their colorful artwork, looking very happy and confident. The art pieces were obviously based on the same theme, but the content seems completely different. Even lovelier – the figures in the paintings all consist of the children’s own features and characteristics. At that moment, I knew that this was a remarkable children’s art school, as youngsters were able to find their own “answers” under the guidance of the instructors – no “good” or “bad”, no comparison, just focusing on enjoying the process. No wonder children were all satisfied and proud of their masterpieces.
My elder son started attending CreativeKids lessons from around age 5, and my younger son even sooner – since age 2, and continued until high school. Their childhood artwork filled our home with a great sense of warmth. It has been over a decade, but the vibrant joy of art never faded.
Today, while neither of my sons decides to choose art as their future career, I firmly believe that the “no answer” thinking method – design thinking – that CreativeKids has taught them, will be a lifelong asset.

May Wong
Industrial Designer
My daughter has been taking CreativeKids from age 3 to now age 17, continuously for 14 years.
It feels like yesterday that she proudly brought home her first art piece. Until today, I still look forward to witnessing her new artwork every time.
About a year ago, she published a children’s picture book, a fruit of what she has learned at CreativeKids and personally worked hard on.
I believe that creativity is innate but requires stimulation; skills are nurtured and require training. Every CreativeKids instructor puts their heart into paving the way for every child, in countless moments and occasions.
Best wishes to CreativeKids on its 30th anniversary – cheers to the journey ahead!

May Wong
Industrial Designer

My daughter has been taking CreativeKids from age 3 to now age 17, continuously for 14 years.
It feels like yesterday that she proudly brought home her first art piece. Until today, I still look forward to witnessing her new artwork every time.
About a year ago, she published a children’s picture book, a fruit of what she has learned at CreativeKids and personally worked hard on.
I believe that creativity is innate but requires stimulation; skills are nurtured and require training. Every CreativeKids instructor puts their heart into paving the way for every child, in countless moments and occasions.
Best wishes to CreativeKids on its 30th anniversary – cheers to the journey ahead!

Andrew Yeung
Senior Manager, Promotions & Marketing, Harbour City
We have a long and continuous fun journey with CreativeKids which began with the kids’ Lai See project in the Year of a lovely animal and we always bring pleasant surprises and enjoyments not only to the kids that participated but the audiences around.
2021 was a special year for everyone. Despite the kids mostly stayed at home and many activities even school were suspended, we did not stop stimulating their creativity and kept connected with them with “hcKids Swing Along Design Competition & Exhibition” collaborated with CreativeKids. Kids across the city showcased their incessant and ever-growing creativity by drawing out their unique swing. I was totally amazed by the submitted artworks.
It was the first time that the art gallery of Harbour City held a kids’ design exhibition. To uplift the winning works, winners were invited to take on a professional art course at CreativeKids and became the little designers. They were also involved in the display setting, layout, and guided tour, which encouraged young minds to create their own exhibition. I indulged in all the “Swings” and the exhibition fully demonstrated “Kids’ creation has no boundary”.
A token of appreciation to CreativeKids for the support over the years and congratulate on their full of inspirations 30th anniversary!

Andrew Yeung
Senior Manager, Promotions & Marketing, Harbour City

We have a long and continuous fun journey with CreativeKids which began with the kids’ Lai See project in the Year of a lovely animal and we always bring pleasant surprises and enjoyments not only to the kids that participated but the audiences around.
2021 was a special year for everyone. Despite the kids mostly stayed at home and many activities even school were suspended, we did not stop stimulating their creativity and kept connected with them with “hcKids Swing Along Design Competition & Exhibition” collaborated with CreativeKids. Kids across the city showcased their incessant and ever-growing creativity by drawing out their unique swing. I was totally amazed by the submitted artworks.
It was the first time that the art gallery of Harbour City held a kids’ design exhibition. To uplift the winning works, winners were invited to take on a professional art course at CreativeKids and became the little designers. They were also involved in the display setting, layout, and guided tour, which encouraged young minds to create their own exhibition. I indulged in all the “Swings” and the exhibition fully demonstrated “Kids’ creation has no boundary”.
A token of appreciation to CreativeKids for the support over the years and congratulate on their full of inspirations 30th anniversary!

We appreciate media coverage sharing our stories on children’s creative experiences, events and exhibitions.
for media coverage on CreativeKids

We are grateful for the affirmation brought by the Hong Kong Arts Development Council Award (Bronze) for Arts Education in 2013, and the Cultural and Innovation Award (Cultural Education) from Hong Kong Association of Cultural Industries in 2016. These are motivations that lead us to greater determination in developing alternative ways to foster children's creativity.

We are grateful for the affirmation brought by the Hong Kong Arts Development Council Award (Bronze) for Arts Education in 2013, and the Cultural and Innovation Award (Cultural Education) from Hong Kong Association of Cultural Industries in 2016. These are motivations that lead us to greater determination in developing alternative ways to foster children's creativity.
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Our Environment
We have found that creative experiences take place in supportive and stimulating environments. Our studios offer an immersive and multi-sensory space in which children experience art individually and collaboratively. Children sometimes become part of the creative artwork and process themselves.