【Beyond Winning】2024 徐悲鴻盃國際青少年兒童美術比賽

We believe a creative spirit springs from intrinsic motivation, best in an adventurous environment that allows happy mistakes and failures. Competition can be good for children in developing tenacity, self-esteem, and healthy attitudes about participation, winning and losing. Competition can be bad, though, when too much emphasis is on the winning few and
distracting children from their intrinsic creative intention. Yearly we select art competitions that can widen children’s world and appreciation of others.

Our Approach in guiding children in participating in art competitions:

• While there is no guarantee on winning, the emphasis of the art sessions is on helping children to strive toward excellence and build courage to face failure or victory

• Our art instructor/inspirer guides each student to work out a self-chosen interpretation of the competition theme/topic

• With a goal in mind, older student learns to research, and document his/her creative journey as a part of his/her portfolio


Art Competition Workshop 2023-2024

Location: Headquarter Sai Ying Pun

Chinese Art Workshop (1 Lesson, Age: 3.5 – 5.5)

Date & Time: Dec 20 (Wed), 14:15 – 15:45

Fee: $460


The Bai Jia Xing Workshop (2 Lessons, Age: 5.5 – 8 )

Workshop A) Date & Time: Dec 20 & 21 (Wed & Thu), 11:00 – 12:30

Workshop B) Date & Time: Dec 21 & 22 (Thu & Fri), 11:00 – 12:30

Fee: $920


The Bai Jia Xing Workshop (2 Lessons, Age: 8 – 12 )

Date & Time: Dec 20 & 21 (Wed & Thu), 11:00 – 12:30

Fee: $920

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